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Tags Gallery


Implement Technique


Taxonomy Category

Terms Count
Target Prediction 208
Target Gene 150
miRNA Prediction 144
Expression Profiles 135
Interactions 127
Regulatory Network 118
Association 98
Cancer/Tumor 87
Disease 82
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) 75
Identification 71
miRNA Binding Site 67
siRNA 66
pre-miRNA 53
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) 51
Integrated Analysis 51
Functional Annotation 46
Transcription Factors (TFs) 44
Pathway 43
miRNA-Seq 43
miRNA Annotations 40
sncRNA 39
Sequence Annotation 38
lncRNA 37
Enrichment Analysis 37
Differential Expression 35
IsomiR 30
3'/5' UTR 30
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) 29
Secondary Structure 29
RNAi 28
RNA-Seq 26
ncRNAs 26
miRNA Regulation 24
Alignment 24
Tissue-specific miRNA 22
Microarray Analysis 21
Classification 21
Integrated Knowledge 19
Off-targets 19
CLIP-Seq 18
Integration of Tools 18
Visualization 18
Gene Ontology 17
Evolution 17
Experimentally Validated 15
RNA-binding Protein (RBP) 15
piRNA 15
ceRNA 15
Argonaute (AGO) 14
miRNA Family 14
CircRNA 13
Drug 13
Biomarker 13
Tissues 12
Co-expressed 12
miRNA Homologs 11
Intergenic/Intronic miRNA 10
ID Conversion 10
Phenotype 10
Thermodynamics 9
Secreted/Extracellular/Circulating miRNA 9
Protein-protein Interaction (PPI) 9
Sequence Motif 8
Hairpin Structure 8
RNA Editing 7
Tools Gallery 7
Transcriptional Start Sites (TSSs) 7
Seed Match 7
miRNA Cluster 7
Normalization 7
Coding Sequence (CDS) 7
Alzheimer's Disease 6
Cis-regulatory Element 6
Mutation 6
Pseudo Hairpin 6
Correlation Analysis 5
Chemical 5
High-throughput Screening (HTS) 5
RNA Modification 5
Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) 5
Blood 5
Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) 5
Sequential Mapping 4
Exosome 4
Parkinson's Disease 4
Arm Switching 4
Expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) 4
miRNA Activity 4
3'/5' Modifications 4
Stem Cell 4
Free Energy 4
Environmental Factor 4
Transposable Elements 4
Epigenetic 4
Sequential Trimming 3
Artificial miRNA 3
Cleavage Sites 3
Stress 3
Promoter 3
Nomenclature 3
Alternatively Spliced Transcripts 3
Tertiary/Triplex/3D Structures 3
Intragenic miRNA 2
Antisense 2
ChIP-Seq 2
miRNA Publication 2
Methylation 2
Autophagy 2
Ontology 1
Huntington's disease 1
Hybridization 1
DNase-Seq 1
Small Molecules 1
Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) 1
Immunostimulatory 1
Adipogenesis 1
Epilepsy 1
Methods Count
Support Vector Machines (SVM) 92
Manually Curated 56
Random Forest 28
Text Mining 26
Hypergeometric Test 13
Linear Regression Analysis 12
Survival Analysis 10
k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN) 10
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) 9
k-Means 9
Meta-analysis 9
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 9
Mutual Information 8
Boosting 7
Random Walk 7
Naive Bayes 6
Dynamic Programming Algorithms 6
Hierarchical Clustering 6
Logistic Regression 6
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 6
Smith-Waterman Algorithm 5
Entropy 5
Expectation Maximisation (EM) 5
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 5
Self-Organizing Map (SOM) 5
Information Gain 4
C4.5 4
Bayesian Network (BN) 4
Decision Tree 4
Biclustering 3
AdaBoost 3
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 3
Semantic 3
Bayesian Statistics 2
Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) 2
Support Vector Regression (SVR) 2
Markov Cluster (MCL) 2
Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) 2
Minimal Redundancy Maximal Relevance (MRMR) 2
Bayesian Inference 2
Genetic Algorithms (GA) 2
Semi-Automatic Extraction 1
Grid Search Method (PGS) 1
Deep Belief Network (DBN) 1
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) 1
Betweenness Centrality Clustering (BCC) 1
Literature-based Discovery 1
Bicliques Merging 1
Empirical Algorithmics 1
PageRank 1
Empirical Bayes Methods 1
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 1
Penalized Generalized Estimating Equations (PGEE) 1
Markov Model 1
k-Medians 1
Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo Methods (MCMC) 1
Fisher's Exact Test 1
Complete-linkage Clustering 1
FP-growth Algorithm 1
Wang-Landau Monte Carlo Methods 1
Kemeny Optimal Aggregation (KOA) 1
Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) 1
Gaussian Naive Bayes 1
Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test 1
Molecular Dynamics 1
Species Count
Arabidopsis 226
Bacteria 99
C. elegans 199
Chicken 167
Fruitfly 218
Human 812
Maize 150
Mouse 359
Other Species 299
Rat 232
Rice 183
Soybean 139
Tomato 138
Virus 119
Wheat 133
Xenopus 128
Zebrafish 178
Platforms Count
Linux/Unix 330
MAC OS 308
Web Based 725
Windows 250
Status Count
Active 918
Dead 117