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Kadri S, Hinman VF, Benos PV.  2011.  RNA deep sequencing reveals differential microRNA expression during development of sea urchin and sea star.. PLoS One. 6(12):e29217.
Bateman A, Agrawal S, Birney E, Bruford EA, Bujnicki JM, Cochrane G, Cole JR, Dinger ME, Enright AJ, Gardner PP et al..  2011.  RNAcentral: A vision for an international database of RNA sequences.. RNA. 17(11):1941-6.
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Bao E, Jiang T, Kaloshian I, Girke T.  2011.  SEED: efficient clustering of next-generation sequences.. Bioinformatics. 27(18):2502-9.
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Thieme CJ, Gramzow L, Lobbes D, Theissen G.  2011.  SplamiR--prediction of spliced miRNAs in plants.. Bioinformatics. 27(9):1215-23.
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Liu H, Yue D, Zhang L, Chen Y, Gao S-J, Huang Y.  2010.  A Bayesian approach for identifying miRNA targets by combining sequence prediction and gene expression profiling.. BMC Genomics. 11 Suppl 3:S12.
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Dassanayake M, Haas JS, Bohnert HJ, Cheeseman JM.  2010.  Comparative transcriptomics for mangrove species: an expanding resource.. Funct Integr Genomics. 10(4):523-32.
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