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Databases and resources for human small non-coding RNAs.. Hum Genomics. 5(3):192-9.
2011. The dChip survival analysis module for microarray data.. BMC Bioinformatics. 12:72.
2011. A detailed investigation of accessibilities around target sites of siRNAs and miRNAs.. Bioinformatics. 27(13):1788-97.
2011. DIANA-microT Web server upgrade supports Fly and Worm miRNA target prediction and bibliographic miRNA to disease association.. Nucleic Acids Res. 39(Web Server issue):W145-8.
2011. dPORE-miRNA: polymorphic regulation of microRNA genes.. PLoS One. 6(2):e16657.
2011. DroID 2011: a comprehensive, integrated resource for protein, transcription factor, RNA and gene interactions for Drosophila.. Nucleic Acids Res. 39(Database issue):D736-43.
2011. Employing machine learning for reliable miRNA target identification in plants.. BMC Genomics. 12:636.
2011. Finding cancer-associated miRNAs: methods and tools.. Mol Biotechnol. 49(1):97-107.
2011. FNV: light-weight flash-based network and pathway viewer.. Bioinformatics. 27(8):1181-2.
2011. GARNET--gene set analysis with exploration of annotation relations.. BMC Bioinformatics. 12 Suppl 1:S25.
2011. GiSAO.db: a database for ageing research.. BMC Genomics. 12:262.
2011. g:Profiler--a web server for functional interpretation of gene lists (2011 update).. Nucleic Acids Res. 39(Web Server issue):W307-15.
2011. Graph based fusion of miRNA and mRNA expression data improves clinical outcome prediction in prostate cancer.. BMC Bioinformatics. 12:488.
2011. Hierarchical generative biclustering for microRNA expression analysis.. J Comput Biol. 18(3):251-61.
2011. HOCTAR database: a unique resource for microRNA target prediction.. Gene. 480(1-2):51-8.
2011. HTSanalyzeR: an R/Bioconductor package for integrated network analysis of high-throughput screens.. Bioinformatics. 27(6):879-80.
2011. In silico identification and characterization of microRNAs and their putative target genes in Solanaceae plants.. Genome. 54(2):91-8.
2011. Inferring causative variants in microRNA target sites.. Nucleic Acids Res. 39(16):e109.
2011. IntmiR: a complete catalogue of intronic miRNAs of human and mouse.. Bioinformation. 5(10):458-9.
2011. Laminin database: a tool to retrieve high-throughput and curated data for studies on laminins.. Nucleic Acids Res. 39(Database issue):D320-3.
2011. A Lasso regression model for the construction of microRNA-target regulatory networks.. Bioinformatics. 27(17):2406-13.
2011. LSD: a leaf senescence database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 39(Database issue):D1103-7.
2011. MaturePred: efficient identification of microRNAs within novel plant pre-miRNAs.. PLoS One. 6(11):e27422.
2011. mESAdb: microRNA expression and sequence analysis database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 39(Database issue):D170-80.
2011. The microRNA body map: dissecting microRNA function through integrative genomics.. Nucleic Acids Res. 39(20):e136.