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Found 1346 results
Wang X.  2010.  Computational prediction of microRNA targets.. Methods Mol Biol. 667:283-95.
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Han Y, Zhu B, Luan F, Zhu H, Shao Y, Chen A, Lu C, Luo Y.  2010.  Conserved miRNAs and their targets identified in lettuce (Lactuca) by EST analysis.. Gene. 463(1-2):1-7.
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Yang J-H, Shao P, Zhou H, Chen Y-Q, Qu L-H.  2010.  deepBase: a database for deeply annotating and mining deep sequencing data.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Database issue):D123-30.
Horn T, Sandmann T, Boutros M.  2010.  Design and evaluation of genome-wide libraries for RNA interference screens.. Genome Biol. 11(6):R61.
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Huang P-J, Liu Y-C, Lee C-C, Lin W-C, Gan RRuei-Chi, Lyu P-C, Tang P.  2010.  DSAP: deep-sequencing small RNA analysis pipeline.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Web Server issue):W385-91.
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Horn T, Boutros M.  2010.  E-RNAi: a web application for the multi-species design of RNAi reagents--2010 update.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Web Server issue):W332-9.
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Wang L, Xiong Y, Sun Y, Fang Z, Li L, Ji H, Shi T.  2010.  HLungDB: an integrated database of human lung cancer research.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Database issue):D665-9.
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