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Found 1346 results
Computational prediction of microRNA targets.. Methods Mol Biol. 667:283-95.
2010. Computational siRNA design considering alternative splicing.. Methods Mol Biol. 623:81-92.
2010. Conserved miRNAs and their targets identified in lettuce (Lactuca) by EST analysis.. Gene. 463(1-2):1-7.
2010. dbDEMC: a database of differentially expressed miRNAs in human cancers.. BMC Genomics. 11 Suppl 4:S5.
2010. deepBase: a database for deeply annotating and mining deep sequencing data.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Database issue):D123-30.
2010. Design and evaluation of genome-wide libraries for RNA interference screens.. Genome Biol. 11(6):R61.
2010. Designing deep sequencing experiments: detecting structural variation and estimating transcript abundance.. BMC Genomics. 11:385.
2010. The DIANA-mirExTra web server: from gene expression data to microRNA function.. PLoS One. 5(2):e9171.
2010. DSAP: deep-sequencing small RNA analysis pipeline.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Web Server issue):W385-91.
2010. Dual-targeting siRNAs.. RNA. 16(6):1275-84.
2010. DynaMod: dynamic functional modularity analysis.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Web Server issue):W103-8.
2010. E-RNAi: a web application for the multi-species design of RNAi reagents--2010 update.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Web Server issue):W332-9.
2010. Exprtarget: an integrative approach to predicting human microRNA targets.. PLoS One. 5(10):e13534.
2010. Flanking region sequence information to refine microRNA target predictions.. J Biosci. 35(1):105-18.
2010. The FLIGHT Drosophila RNAi database: 2010 update.. Fly (Austin). 4(4):344-8.
2010. Gene bi-targeting by viral and human miRNAs.. BMC Bioinformatics. 11:249.
2010. GenomeRNAi: a database for cell-based RNAi phenotypes. 2009 update.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Database issue):D448-52.
2010. Geoseq: a tool for dissecting deep-sequencing datasets.. BMC Bioinformatics. 11:506.
2010. Got target? Computational methods for microRNA target prediction and their extension. Exp Mol Med. 42(4):233-44.
2010. HCCNet: an integrated network database of hepatocellular carcinoma.. Cell Res. 20(6):732-4.
2010. Hierarchical folding of multiple sequence alignments for the prediction of structures and RNA-RNA interactions.. Algorithms Mol Biol. 5:22.
2010. HiNO: an approach for inferring hierarchical organization from regulatory networks.. PLoS One. 5(11):e13698.
2010. HLungDB: an integrated database of human lung cancer research.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Database issue):D665-9.
2010. Identification of homologous microRNAs in 56 animal genomes.. Genomics. 96(1):1-9.
2010. Identification of microRNA activity by Targets' Reverse EXpression.. Bioinformatics. 26(1):91-7.