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High-resolution experimental and computational profiling of tissue-specific known and novel miRNAs in Arabidopsis.. Genome Res. 22(1):163-76.
2012. HNOCDB: a comprehensive database of genes and miRNAs relevant to head and neck and oral cancer.. Oral Oncol. 48(2):117-9.
2012. Hybridization-based reconstruction of small non-coding RNA transcripts from deep sequencing data.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(16):7633-43.
2012. Identification and profiling of novel microRNAs in the Brassica rapa genome based on small RNA deep sequencing.. BMC Plant Biol. 12:218.
2012. Identification of microRNA-regulated gene networks by expression analysis of target genes.. Genome Res. 22(6):1163-72.
2012. Identification of mirtrons in rice using MirtronPred: a tool for predicting plant mirtrons.. Genomics. 99(6):370-5.
2012. Identifying multi-layer gene regulatory modules from multi-dimensional genomic data.. Bioinformatics. 28(19):2458-66.
2012. IGDB.NSCLC: integrated genomic database of non-small cell lung cancer.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Database issue):D972-7.
2012. Inferring the regulatory network behind a gene expression experiment.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Web Server issue):W168-72.
2012. Integrative analysis of gene and miRNA expression profiles with transcription factor-miRNA feed-forward loops identifies regulators in human cancers.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(17):e135.
2012. Intensity quantile estimation and mapping--a novel algorithm for the correction of image non-uniformity bias in HCS data.. Bioinformatics. 28(20):2632-9.
2012. Interactive exploration of RNA22 microRNA target predictions.. Bioinformatics. 28(24):3322-3.
2012. Joint Bayesian inference of condition-specific miRNA and transcription factor activities from combined gene and microRNA expression data.. Bioinformatics. 28(13):1714-20.
2012. The KUPKB: a novel Web application to access multiomics data on kidney disease.. FASEB J. 26(5):2145-53.
2012. Linking proteins to signaling pathways for experiment design and evaluation.. PLoS One. 7(4):e36202.
2012. MAGIA²: from miRNA and genes expression data integrative analysis to microRNA-transcription factor mixed regulatory circuits (2012 update).. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Web Server issue):W13-21.
2012. microPIR: an integrated database of microRNA target sites within human promoter sequences.. PLoS One. 7(3):e33888.
2012. 'MicroRNA Targets', a new AthaMap web-tool for genome-wide identification of miRNA targets in Arabidopsis thaliana.. BioData Min. 5(1):7.
2012. miRandola: extracellular circulating microRNAs database.. PLoS One. 7(10):e47786.
2012. MiRANN: a reliable approach for improved classification of precursor microRNA using Artificial Neural Network model.. Genomics. 99(4):189-94.
2012. miR-BAG: bagging based identification of microRNA precursors.. PLoS One. 7(9):e45782.
2012. miRcode: a map of putative microRNA target sites in the long non-coding transcriptome.. Bioinformatics. 28(15):2062-3.
2012. miRDeathDB: a database bridging microRNAs and the programmed cell death.. Cell Death Differ. 19(9):1571.
2012. miRDeep2 accurately identifies known and hundreds of novel microRNA genes in seven animal clades.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(1):37-52.
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