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Found 1346 results
Cho S, Jang I, Jun Y, Yoon S, Ko M, Kwon Y, Choi I, Chang H, Ryu D, Lee B et al..  2013.  MiRGator v3.0: a microRNA portal for deep sequencing, expression profiling and mRNA targeting.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D252-7.
Vejnar CE, Blum M, Zdobnov EM.  2013.  miRmap web: Comprehensive microRNA target prediction online.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Web Server issue):W165-8.
Steinfeld I, Navon R, Ach R, Yakhini Z.  2013.  miRNA target enrichment analysis reveals directly active miRNAs in health and disease.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(3):e45.
Mapleson D, Moxon S, Dalmay T, Moulton V.  2013.  MirPlex: a tool for identifying miRNAs in high-throughput sRNA datasets without a genome.. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. 320(1):47-56.
Friedman Y, Linial M.  2013.  miRror2.0: a platform for assessing the joint action of microRNAs in cell regulation.. J Bioinform Comput Biol. 11(6):1343012.
Humphreys DT, Suter CM.  2013.  miRspring: a compact standalone research tool for analyzing miRNA-seq data.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(15):e147.
Park K, Kim K-B.  2013.  miRTar Hunter: a prediction system for identifying human microRNA target sites.. Mol Cells. 35(3):195-201.
Wang P, Ning S, Wang Q, Li R, Ye J, Zhao Z, Li Y, Huang T, Li X.  2013.  mirTarPri: improved prioritization of microRNA targets through incorporation of functional genomics data.. PLoS One. 8(1):e53685.
Kim K-K, Ham J, Chi SWook.  2013.  miRTCat: a comprehensive map of human and mouse microRNA target sites including non-canonical nucleation bulges.. Bioinformatics. 29(15):1898-9.
Wu J, Liu Q, Wang X, Zheng J, Wang T, You M, Sun ZSheng, Shi Q.  2013.  mirTools 2.0 for non-coding RNA discovery, profiling, and functional annotation based on high-throughput sequencing.. RNA Biol. 10(7):1087-92.
Antonov AV, Knight RA, Melino G, Barlev NA, Tsvetkov PO.  2013.  MIRUMIR: an online tool to test microRNAs as biomarkers to predict survival in cancer using multiple clinical data sets.. Cell Death Differ. 20(2):367.
Brock GN, Mukhopadhyay P, Pihur V, Webb C, Greene RM, M Pisano M.  2013.  MmPalateMiRNA, an R package compendium illustrating analysis of miRNA microarray data.. Source Code Biol Med. 8(1):1.
Zhan S, Reppert SM.  2013.  MonarchBase: the monarch butterfly genome database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D758-63.
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Incarnato D, Neri F, Diamanti D, Oliviero S.  2013.  MREdictor: a two-step dynamic interaction model that accounts for mRNA accessibility and Pumilio binding accurately predicts microRNA targets.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(18):8421-33.
Cun Y, Fröhlich H.  2013.  Network and data integration for biomarker signature discovery via network smoothed T-statistics.. PLoS One. 8(9):e73074.
Kunej T, Skok DJevsinek, Zorc M, Ogrinc A, Michal JJ, Kovac M, Jiang Z.  2013.  Obesity gene atlas in mammals.. J Genomics. 1:45-55.
Müller S, Rycak L, Winter P, Kahl G, Koch I, Rotter B.  2013.  omiRas: a Web server for differential expression analysis of miRNAs derived from small RNA-Seq data.. Bioinformatics. 29(20):2651-2.
Vlachos IS, Hatzigeorgiou AG.  2013.  Online resources for miRNA analysis.. Clin Biochem. 46(10-11):879-900.
Su C-lin, Chao Y-T, Yen S-H, Chen C-Y, Chen W-C, Chang Y-CAlex, Shih M-C.  2013.  Orchidstra: an integrated orchid functional genomics database.. Plant Cell Physiol. 54(2):e11.
Erhard F, Dölken L, Jaskiewicz L, Zimmer R.  2013.  PARma: identification of microRNA target sites in AGO-PAR-CLIP data.. Genome Biol. 14(7):R79.
Zhang S, Yue Y, Sheng L, Wu Y, Fan G, Li A, Hu X, Shangguan M, Wei C.  2013.  PASmiR: a literature-curated database for miRNA molecular regulation in plant response to abiotic stress.. BMC Plant Biol. 13:33.
Campagna D, Telatin A, Forcato C, Vitulo N, Valle G.  2013.  PASS-bis: a bisulfite aligner suitable for whole methylome analysis of Illumina and SOLiD reads.. Bioinformatics. 29(2):268-70.
Shi J, Hu J, Zhou Q, Du Y, Jiang C.  2013.  PEpiD: a prostate epigenetic database in mammals.. PLoS One. 8(5):e64289.
Ahmed F, Kaundal R, Raghava GPS.  2013.  PHDcleav: a SVM based method for predicting human Dicer cleavage sites using sequence and secondary structure of miRNA precursors.. BMC Bioinformatics. 14 Suppl 14:S9.
