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Accurate microRNA target prediction correlates with protein repression levels.. BMC Bioinformatics. 10:295.
2009. Arabidopsis Hormone Database: a comprehensive genetic and phenotypic information database for plant hormone research in Arabidopsis.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D975-82.
2009. AthaMap, integrating transcriptional and post-transcriptional data.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D983-6.
2009. Autism Genetic Database (AGD): a comprehensive database including autism susceptibility gene-CNVs integrated with known noncoding RNAs and fragile sites.. BMC Med Genet. 10:102.
2009. BatchGenAna: a batch platform for large-scale genomic analysis of mammalian small RNAs.. Bioinformation. 3(8):346-8.
2009. Cepred: predicting the co-expression patterns of the human intronic microRNAs with their host genes.. PLoS One. 4(2):e4421.
2009. CleaveLand: a pipeline for using degradome data to find cleaved small RNA targets.. Bioinformatics. 25(1):130-1.
2009. A combinatorial approach to determine the context-dependent role in transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana.. BMC Syst Biol. 3:43.
2009. CORNA: testing gene lists for regulation by microRNAs.. Bioinformatics. 25(6):832-3.
2009. Current tools for the identification of miRNA genes and their targets.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(8):2419-33.
2009. Database of cattle candidate genes and genetic markers for milk production and mastitis.. Anim Genet. 40(6):832-51.
2009. The database of experimentally supported targets: a functional update of TarBase.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D155-8.
2009. dbSMR: a novel resource of genome-wide SNPs affecting microRNA mediated regulation.. BMC Bioinformatics. 10:108.
2009. Detailing regulatory networks through large scale data integration.. Bioinformatics. 25(24):3267-74.
2009. DIANA-microT web server: elucidating microRNA functions through target prediction.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Web Server issue):W273-6.
2009. DIANA-mirPath: Integrating human and mouse microRNAs in pathways.. Bioinformatics. 25(15):1991-3.
2009. Evolution in bioinformatic resources: 2009 update on the Bioinformatics Links Directory.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Web Server issue):W3-5.
2009. EvoRSR: an integrated system for exploring evolution of RNA structural robustness.. BMC Bioinformatics. 10:249.
2009. ExoCarta: A compendium of exosomal proteins and RNA.. Proteomics. 9(21):4997-5000.
2009. FANTOM4 EdgeExpressDB: an integrated database of promoters, genes, microRNAs, expression dynamics and regulatory interactions.. Genome Biol. 10(4):R39.
2009. Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler transform.. Bioinformatics. 25(14):1754-60.
2009. Fast mapping of short sequences with mismatches, insertions and deletions using index structures.. PLoS Comput Biol. 5(9):e1000502.
2009. The Functional RNA Database 3.0: databases to support mining and annotation of functional RNAs.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D89-92.
2009. GeneCodis: interpreting gene lists through enrichment analysis and integration of diverse biological information.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Web Server issue):W317-22.
2009. GeneSet2miRNA: finding the signature of cooperative miRNA activities in the gene lists.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Web Server issue):W323-8.