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TmiRUSite and TmiROSite scripts: searching for mRNA fragments with miRNA binding sites with encoded amino acid residues.. Bioinformation. 10(7):472-3.
2014. Tomato genomic resources database: an integrated repository of useful tomato genomic information for basic and applied research.. PLoS One. 9(1):e86387.
2014. A tool for design of primers for microRNA-specific quantitative RT-qPCR.. BMC Bioinformatics. 15:29.
2014. ToppMiR: ranking microRNAs and their mRNA targets based on biological functions and context.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(Web Server issue):W107-13.
2014. Using machine learning and high-throughput RNA sequencing to classify the precursors of small non-coding RNAs.. Methods. 67(1):28-35.
2014. Vicinal: a method for the determination of ncRNA ends using chimeric reads from RNA-seq experiments.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(9):e79.
2014. VIRmiRNA: a comprehensive resource for experimentally validated viral miRNAs and their targets.. Database (Oxford). 2014
2014. Visualizing molecular profiles of glioblastoma with GBM-BioDP.. PLoS One. 9(7):e101239.
2014. WormNet v3: a network-assisted hypothesis-generating server for Caenorhabditis elegans.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(Web Server issue):W76-82.
2014. Ab initio human miRNA and pre-miRNA prediction.. J Bioinform Comput Biol. 11(6):1343009.
2013. Advances in the techniques for the prediction of microRNA targets.. Int J Mol Sci. 14(4):8179-87.
2013. Analysis of microRNA-target interactions across diverse cancer types.. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 20(11):1325-32.
2013. Analysis of the NCI-60 dataset for cancer-related microRNA and mRNA using expression profiles.. Comput Biol Chem. 44:15-21.
2013. ATARiS: computational quantification of gene suppression phenotypes from multisample RNAi screens.. Genome Res. 23(4):665-78.
2013. Beta cell 5'-shifted isomiRs are candidate regulatory hubs in type 2 diabetes.. PLoS One. 8(9):e73240.
2013. A biophysical miRNA-mRNA interaction model infers canonical and noncanonical targets.. Nat Methods. 10(3):253-5.
2013. BreastMark: an integrated approach to mining publicly available transcriptomic datasets relating to breast cancer outcome.. Breast Cancer Res. 15(4):R52.
2013. canEvolve: a web portal for integrative oncogenomics.. PLoS One. 8(2):e56228.
2013. CePa: an R package for finding significant pathways weighted by multiple network centralities.. Bioinformatics. 29(5):658-60.
2013. cGRNB: a web server for building combinatorial gene regulatory networks through integrated engineering of seed-matching sequence information and gene expression datasets.. BMC Syst Biol. 7 Suppl 2:S7.
2013. ChIPBase: a database for decoding the transcriptional regulation of long non-coding RNA and microRNA genes from ChIP-Seq data.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D177-87.
2013. ChroMoS: an integrated web tool for SNP classification, prioritization and functional interpretation.. Bioinformatics. 29(17):2197-8.
2013. Circ2Traits: a comprehensive database for circular RNA potentially associated with disease and traits.. Front Genet. 4:283.
2013. CLIP-based prediction of mammalian microRNA binding sites.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(14):e138.
2013. CluePedia Cytoscape plugin: pathway insights using integrated experimental and in silico data.. Bioinformatics. 29(5):661-3.