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CoLIde: a bioinformatics tool for CO-expression-based small RNA Loci Identification using high-throughput sequencing data.. RNA Biol. 10(7):1221-30.
2013. ComiR: Combinatorial microRNA target prediction tool.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Web Server issue):W159-64.
2013. A computational approach for identifying microRNA-target interactions using high-throughput CLIP and PAR-CLIP sequencing.. BMC Genomics. 14 Suppl 1:S2.
2013. Computational prediction of the localization of microRNAs within their pre-miRNA.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(15):7200-11.
2013. CoRAL: predicting non-coding RNAs from small RNA-sequencing data.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(14):e137.
2013. cWords - systematic microRNA regulatory motif discovery from mRNA expression data.. Silence. 4(1):2.
2013. CyTargetLinker: a cytoscape app to integrate regulatory interactions in network analysis.. PLoS One. 8(12):e82160.
2013. Detecting miRNAs in deep-sequencing data: a software performance comparison and evaluation.. Brief Bioinform. 14(1):36-45.
2013. DIANA-LncBase: experimentally verified and computationally predicted microRNA targets on long non-coding RNAs.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D239-45.
2013. DIANA-microT web server v5.0: service integration into miRNA functional analysis workflows.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Web Server issue):W169-73.
2013. Discovery of microRNA regulatory networks by integrating multidimensional high-throughput data.. Adv Exp Med Biol. 774:251-66.
2013. displayHTS: a R package for displaying data and results from high-throughput screening experiments.. Bioinformatics. 29(6):794-6.
2013. Effective classification of microRNA precursors using feature mining and AdaBoost algorithms.. OMICS. 17(9):486-93.
2013. Efficient computation of minimal perturbation sets in gene regulatory networks.. Front Physiol. 4:361.
2013. An enhanced computational platform for investigating the roles of regulatory RNA and for identifying functional RNA motifs.. BMC Bioinformatics. 14 Suppl 2:S4.
2013. Enrichment analysis of miRNA targets.. Methods Mol Biol. 936:91-103.
2013. ERISdb: a database of plant splice sites and splicing signals.. Plant Cell Physiol. 54(2):e10.
2013. FlyAtlas: database of gene expression in the tissues of Drosophila melanogaster.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D744-50.
2013. GenomeRNAi: a database for cell-based and in vivo RNAi phenotypes, 2013 update.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D1021-6.
2013. Genome-wide and species-wide in silico screening for intragenic MicroRNAs in human, mouse and chicken.. PLoS One. 8(6):e65165.
2013. Genome-wide in silico screening for microRNA genetic variability in livestock species.. Anim Genet. 44(6):669-77.
2013. A genomic-scale artificial microRNA library as a tool to investigate the functionally redundant gene space in Arabidopsis.. Plant Cell. 25(8):2848-63.
2013. Heterogeneous ensemble approach with discriminative features and modified-SMOTEbagging for pre-miRNA classification.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(1):e21.
2013. hLGDB: a database of human lysosomal genes and their regulation.. Database (Oxford). 2013:bat024.
2013. HomoTarget: a new algorithm for prediction of microRNA targets in Homo sapiens.. Genomics. 101(2):94-100.