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Rukov JLewin, Wilentzik R, Jaffe I, Vinther J, Shomron N.  2014.  Pharmaco-miR: linking microRNAs and drug effects.. Brief Bioinform. 15(4):648-59.
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Bhattacharya A, Ziebarth JD, Cui Y.  2014.  PolymiRTS Database 3.0: linking polymorphisms in microRNAs and their target sites with human diseases and biological pathways.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(Database issue):D86-91.
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Li Y, Goldenberg A, Wong K-C, Zhang Z.  2014.  A probabilistic approach to explore human miRNA targetome by integrating miRNA-overexpression data and sequence information.. Bioinformatics. 30(5):621-8.
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Zhang C, Li G, Zhu S, Zhang S, Fang J.  2014.  tasiRNAdb: a database of ta-siRNA regulatory pathways.. Bioinformatics. 30(7):1045-6.
