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miRSeq: a user-friendly standalone toolkit for sequencing quality evaluation and miRNA profiling.. Biomed Res Int. 2014:462135.
2014. Mirsynergy: detecting synergistic miRNA regulatory modules by overlapping neighbourhood expansion.. Bioinformatics. 30(18):2627-35.
2014. miR-Synth: a computational resource for the design of multi-site multi-target synthetic miRNAs.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(9):5416-25.
2014. miRTarBase update 2014: an information resource for experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(Database issue):D78-85.
2014. MISIS: a bioinformatics tool to view and analyze maps of small RNAs derived from viruses and genomic loci generating multiple small RNAs.. J Virol Methods. 195:120-2.
2014. MixMir: microRNA motif discovery from gene expression data using mixed linear models.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(17):e135.
2014. A model-based approach to identify binding sites in CLIP-Seq data.. PLoS One. 9(4):e93248.
2014. Modeling tissue contamination to improve molecular identification of the primary tumor site of metastases.. Bioinformatics. 30(10):1417-23.
2014. mrsFAST-Ultra: a compact, SNP-aware mapper for high performance sequencing applications.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(Web Server issue):W494-500.
2014. mrSNP: software to detect SNP effects on microRNA binding.. BMC Bioinformatics. 15:73.
2014. The multiMiR R package and database: integration of microRNA-target interactions along with their disease and drug associations.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(17):e133.
2014. NCG 4.0: the network of cancer genes in the era of massive mutational screenings of cancer genomes.. Database (Oxford). 2014:bau015.
2014. ncPred: ncRNA-Disease Association Prediction through Tripartite Network-Based Inference.. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2:71.
2014. netClass: an R-package for network based, integrative biomarker signature discovery.. Bioinformatics. 30(9):1325-6.
2014. New support vector machine-based method for microRNA target prediction.. Genet Mol Res. 13(2):4165-76.
2014. NONCODEv4: exploring the world of long non-coding RNA genes.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(Database issue):D98-103.
2014. NPInter v2.0: an updated database of ncRNA interactions.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(Database issue):D104-8.
2014. NqA: an R-based algorithm for the normalization and analysis of microRNA quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction data.. Anal Biochem. 461:7-9.
2014. OMICtools: an informative directory for multi-omic data analysis.. Database (Oxford). 2014
2014. OncomiRDB: a database for the experimentally verified oncogenic and tumor-suppressive microRNAs.. Bioinformatics. 30(15):2237-8.
2014. OncomiRdbB: a comprehensive database of microRNAs and their targets in breast cancer.. BMC Bioinformatics. 15:15.
2014. OvMark: a user-friendly system for the identification of prognostic biomarkers in publically available ovarian cancer gene expression datasets.. Mol Cancer. 13:241.
2014. Pancreatic Cancer Database: an integrative resource for pancreatic cancer.. Cancer Biol Ther. 15(8):963-7.
2014. The pancreatic expression database: recent extensions and updates.. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(Database issue):D944-9.
2014. PGS: a tool for association study of high-dimensional microRNA expression data with repeated measures.. Bioinformatics. 30(19):2802-7.