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Found 1346 results
Zhao X-M, Liu K-Q, Zhu G, He F, Duval B, Richer J-M, Huang D-S, Jiang C-J, Hao J-K, Chen L.  2015.  Identifying cancer-related microRNAs based on gene expression data.. Bioinformatics. 31(8):1226-34.
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Wang CY, Hu LL, Guo MZ, Liu XY, Zou Q.  2015.  imDC: an ensemble learning method for imbalanced classification with miRNA data.. Genet Mol Res. 14(1):123-33.
Murie C, Barette C, Button J, Lafanechère L, Nadon R.  2015.  Improving detection of rare biological events in high-throughput screens.. J Biomol Screen. 20(2):230-41.
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Meng J, Liu D, Luan Y.  2015.  Inferring plant microRNA functional similarity using a weighted protein-protein interaction network.. BMC Bioinformatics. 16:360.
Wang Z, Xu W, Liu Y.  2015.  Integrating full spectrum of sequence features into predicting functional microRNA-mRNA interactions.. Bioinformatics. 31(21):3529-36.
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Bandyopadhyay S, Ghosh D, Mitra R, Zhao Z.  2015.  MBSTAR: multiple instance learning for predicting specific functional binding sites in microRNA targets.. Sci Rep. 5:8004.
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Liu H, Flores MA, Meng J, Zhang L, Zhao X, Rao MK, Chen Y, Huang Y.  2015.  MeT-DB: a database of transcriptome methylation in mammalian cells.. Nucleic Acids Res. 43(Database issue):D197-203.
Huang W-Y, Da Hsu S-, Huang H-Y, Sun Y-M, Chou C-H, Weng S-L, Da Huang H-.  2015.  MethHC: a database of DNA methylation and gene expression in human cancer.. Nucleic Acids Res. 43(Database issue):D856-61.
Ding J, Li X, Hu H.  2015.  MicroRNA modules prefer to bind weak and unconventional target sites.. Bioinformatics. 31(9):1366-74.
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