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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59



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Polymorphism in microRNA Target Site (PolymiRTS) database is a collection of naturally occurring DNA variations in putative microRNA target sites. PolymiRTSs may affect gene expression and cause variations in complex phenotypes. The database integrates sequence polymorphism, phenotype and expression microarray data, and characterizes PolymiRTSs as potential candidates responsible for the quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects. It is a resource for studying PolymiRTSs and their implications in phenotypic variations. PolymiRTS database can be accessed at[1]

The polymorphism in microRNA target site (PolymiRTS) database aims to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that affect miRNA targeting in human and mouse. These polymorphisms can disrupt the regulation of gene expression by miRNAs and are candidate genetic variants responsible for transcriptional and phenotypic variation. The database is therefore organized to provide links between SNPs in miRNA target sites, cis-acting expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs), and the results of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of human diseases. Here, we describe new features that have been integrated in the PolymiRTS database, including: (i) polymiRTSs in genes associated with human diseases and traits in GWAS, (ii) polymorphisms in target sites that have been supported by a variety of experimental methods and (iii) polymorphisms in miRNA seed regions. A large number of newly identified microRNAs and SNPs, recently published mouse phenotypes, and human and mouse eQTLs have also been integrated into the database. The PolymiRTS database is available at[2]

Polymorphisms in microRNAs (miRNAs) and their target sites (PolymiRTS) are known to disrupt miRNA function, leading to the development of disease and variation in physiological and behavioral phenotypes. Here, we describe recent updates to the PolymiRTS database (, an integrated platform for analyzing the functional impact of genetic polymorphisms in miRNA seed regions and miRNA target sites. Recent advances in genomic technologies have made it possible to identify miRNA-mRNA binding sites from direct mapping experiments such as CLASH (cross linking, ligation and sequencing of hybrids). We have integrated data from CLASH experiments in the PolymiRTS database to provide more complete and accurate miRNA-mRNA interactions. Other significant new features include (i) small insertions and deletions in miRNA seed regions and miRNA target sites, (ii) TargetScan context + score differences for assessing the impact of polymorphic miRNA-mRNA interactions and (iii) biological pathways. The browse and search pages of PolymiRTS allow users to explore the relations between the PolymiRTSs and gene expression traits, physiological and behavioral phenotypes, human diseases and biological pathways.[3]
