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Submitted by ChenLiang on Tue, 01/09/2018 - 19:02

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to play an important role in pathological initiation, progression and maintenance. Because identification in the laboratory of disease-related miRNAs is not straightforward, numerous network-based methods have been developed to predict novel miRNAs in silico. Homogeneous networks (in which every node is a miRNA) based on the targets shared between miRNAs have been widely used to predict their role in disease phenotypes.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

Several techniques have been tailored to the quantification of microRNA expression, including hybridization arrays, quantitative PCR (qPCR), and high-throughput sequencing. Each of these has certain strengths and limitations depending both on the technology itself and the algorithm used to convert raw data into expression estimates. Reliable quantification of microRNA expression is challenging in part due to the relatively low abundance and short length of the miRNAs.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

The computational search for novel microRNA (miRNA) precursors often involves some sort of structural analysis with the aim of identifying which type of structures are prone to being recognized and processed by the cellular miRNA-maturation machinery. A natural way to tackle this problem is to perform clustering over the candidate structures along with known miRNA precursor structures. Mixed clusters allow then the identification of candidates that are similar to known precursors.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression in animals and plants. The recent rapid advancement in miRNA biology, including high-throughput sequencing of small RNA libraries, inspired the development of a bioinformatics software, miRAuto, which predicts putative miRNAs in model plant genomes computationally. Furthermore, miRAuto enables users to identify miRNAs in non-model plant species whose genomes have yet to be fully sequenced.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

ENViz (Enrichment Analysis and Visualization) is a Cytoscape app that performs joint enrichment analysis of two types of sample matched datasets in the context of systematic annotations. Such datasets may be gene expression or any other high-throughput data collected in the same set of samples. The enrichment analysis is done in the context of pathway information, gene ontology or any custom annotation of the data. The results of the analysis consist of significant associations between profiled elements of one of the datasets to the annotation terms (e.g.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

Large-scale RNAseq has substantially changed the transcriptomics field, as it enables an unprecedented amount of high resolution data to be acquired. However, the analysis of these data still poses a challenge to the research community. Many tools have been developed to overcome this problem, and to facilitate the study of miRNA expression profiles and those of their target genes. While a few of these enable both kinds of analysis to be performed, they also present certain limitations in terms of their requirements and/or the restrictions on data uploading.

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Automatic learning of pre-miRNAs from different species

Submitted by ChenLiang on Thu, 04/06/2017 - 17:26

Discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs) relies on predictive models for characteristic features from miRNA precursors (pre-miRNAs). The short length of miRNA genes and the lack of pronounced sequence features complicate this task. To accommodate the peculiarities of plant and animal miRNAs systems, tools for both systems have evolved differently. However, these tools are biased towards the species for which they were primarily developed and, consequently, their predictive performance on data sets from other species of the same kingdom might be lower.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Tue, 01/09/2018 - 19:05

Although many tools have been developed to analyze small RNA sequencing (sRNA-Seq) data, it remains challenging to accurately analyze the small RNA population, mainly due to multiple sequence ID assignment caused by short read length. Additional issues in small RNA analysis include low consistency of microRNA (miRNA) measurement results across different platforms, miRNA mapping associated with miRNA sequence variation (isomiR) and RNA editing, and the origin of those unmapped reads after screening against all endogenous reference sequence databases.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in general biological processes and diseases pathogenesis. Identifying miRNA target genes is an essential step to fully understand the regulatory effects of miRNAs. Many computational methods based on the sequence complementary rules and the miRNA and mRNA expression profiles have been developed for this purpose. It is noted that there have been many sequence features of miRNA targets available, including the context features of the target sites, the thermodynamic stability and the accessibility energy for miRNA-mRNA interaction.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

Thermodynamics-based dynamic programming RNA secondary structure algorithms have been of immense importance in molecular biology, where applications range from the detection of novel selenoproteins using expressed sequence tag (EST) data, to the determination of microRNA genes and their targets. Dynamic programming algorithms have been developed to compute the minimum free energy secondary structure and partition function of a given RNA sequence, the minimum free-energy and partition function for the hybridization of two RNA molecules, etc.

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