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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

Plant microRNA prediction tools that use small RNA-sequencing data are emerging quickly. These existing tools have at least one of the following problems: (i) high false-positive rate; (ii) long running time; (iii) work only for genomes in their databases; (iv) hard to install or use. We developed miR-PREFeR (miRNA PREdiction From small RNA-Seq data), which uses expression patterns of miRNA and follows the criteria for plant microRNA annotation to accurately predict plant miRNAs from one or more small RNA-Seq data samples of the same species.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

Along with computational approaches, NGS led technologies have caused a major impact upon the discoveries made in the area of miRNA biology, including novel miRNAs identification. However, to this date all microRNA discovery tools compulsorily depend upon the availability of reference or genomic sequences. Here, for the first time a novel approach, miReader, has been introduced which could discover novel miRNAs without any dependence upon genomic/reference sequences.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

The high complexity and dynamic nature of the regulation of gene expression, protein synthesis, and protein activity pose a challenge to fully understand the cellular machinery. By deciphering the role of important players, including transcription factors, microRNAs, or small molecules, a better understanding of key regulatory processes can be obtained. Various databases contain information on the interactions of regulators with their targets for different organisms, data recently being extended with the results of the ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) project.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Thu, 04/06/2017 - 19:09

Respiratory epithelial cells are the primary target of influenza virus infection in human. However, the molecular mechanisms of airway epithelial cell responses to viral infection are not fully understood. Revealing genome-wide transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory relationships can further advance our understanding of this problem, which motivates the development of novel and more efficient computational methods to simultaneously infer the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory networks.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

Transcriptome profiling studies have produced staggering numbers of gene co-expression signatures for a variety of biological systems. A significant fraction of these signatures will be partially or fully explained by miRNA-mediated targeted transcript degradation. miRvestigator takes as input lists of co-expressed genes from Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, G. gallus, Homo sapiens, Mus musculus or Rattus norvegicus and identifies the specific miRNAs that are likely to bind to 3' un-translated region (UTR) sequences to mediate the observed co-regulation.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

It has been proven that the accessibility of the target sites has a critical influence on RNA-RNA binding, in general and the specificity and efficiency of miRNAs and siRNAs, in particular. Recently, O(N(6)) time and O(N(4)) space dynamic programming (DP) algorithms have become available that compute the partition function of RNA-RNA interaction complexes, thereby providing detailed insights into their thermodynamic properties.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

MicroRNAs (miRNA) are short nucleotides that down-regulate its target genes. Various miRNA target prediction algorithms have used sequence complementarity between miRNA and its targets. Recently, other algorithms tried to improve sequence-based miRNA target prediction by exploiting miRNA-mRNA expression profile data. Some web-based tools are also introduced to help researchers predict targets of miRNAs from miRNA-mRNA expression profile data.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

Non-coding RNA (ncRNA) PROfiling in small RNA (sRNA)-seq (ncPRO-seq) is a stand-alone, comprehensive and flexible ncRNA analysis pipeline. It can interrogate and perform detailed profiling analysis on sRNAs derived from annotated non-coding regions in miRBase, Rfam and RepeatMasker, as well as specific regions defined by users. The ncPRO-seq pipeline performs both gene-based and family-based analyses of sRNAs.

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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a key role in regulating tumor progression and metastasis. Identifying key miRNAs, defined by their functional activities, can provide a deeper understanding of biology of miRNAs in cancer. However, miRNA expression level cannot accurately reflect miRNA activity.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)


Submitted by ChenLiang on Thu, 04/06/2017 - 17:40

The contribution of different mechanisms to the regulation of gene expression varies for different tissues and tumors. Complementation of predicted mRNA-miRNA and gene-transcription factor (TF) relationships with the results of expression correlation analyses derived for specific tumor types outlines the interactions with functional impact in the current biomaterial.

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