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Submitted by ChenLiang on Thu, 04/06/2017 - 18:55



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RNAComposer is a fully automated, web-interfaced system for RNA 3D structure prediction, freely available at and Its main components are: manually curated database of RNA 3D structure elements, highly efficient computational engine and user-friendly web application. In this paper, we demonstrate how the latest additions to the system allow the user to significantly affect the process of 3D model composition on several computational levels. Although in general our method is based on the knowledge of secondary structure topology, currently the RNAComposer offers a choice of six incorporated programs for secondary structure prediction. It also allows to apply a conditional search in the database of 3D structure elements and introduce user-provided elements into the final 3D model. This new functionality contributes to a significant improvement of the predicted 3D model reliability and it facilitates a better model adjustment to the experimental data. This is exemplified based on the RNAComposer application for modelling of the 3D structures of precursors of the miR160 family members.[1]
