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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59



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miRNAs are small non coding RNA structures which play important roles in biological processes. Finding miRNA precursors in genomes is therefore an important task, where computational methods are required. The goal of these methods is to select potential pre-miRNAs which could be validated by experimental methods. With the new generation of sequencing techniques, it is important to have fast algorithms that are able to treat whole genomes in acceptable times. We developed an algorithm based on an original method where an approximation of miRNA hairpins are first searched, before reconstituting the pre-miRNA structure. The approximation step allows a substantial decrease in the number of possibilities and thus the time required for searching. Our method was tested on different genomic sequences, and was compared with CID-miRNA, miRPara and VMir. It gives in almost all cases better sensitivity and selectivity. It is faster than CID-miRNA, miRPara and VMir: it takes ¡Ö 30 s to process a 1 MB sequence, when VMir takes 30 min, miRPara takes 20 h and CID-miRNA takes 55 h. We present here a fast ab-initio algorithm for searching for pre-miRNA precursors in genomes, called miRNAFold. miRNAFold is available at[1]

Computational methods are required for prediction of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), which are involved in many biological processes, especially at post-transcriptional level. Among these ncRNAs, miRNAs have been largely studied and biologists need efficient and fast tools for their identification. In particular, ab initio methods are usually required when predicting novel miRNAs. Here we present a web server dedicated for miRNA precursors identification at a large scale in genomes. It is based on an algorithm called miRNAFold that allows predicting miRNA hairpin structures quickly with high sensitivity. miRNAFold is implemented as a web server with an intuitive and user-friendly interface, as well as a standalone version. The web server is freely available at:[2]


  1. A fast ab-initio method for predicting miRNA precursors in genomes.,
    Tempel, Sébastien, and Tahi Fariza
    , Nucleic Acids Res, 2012 Jun, Volume 40, Issue 11, p.e80, (2012)
  2. miRNAFold: a web server for fast miRNA precursor prediction in genomes.,
    Tav, Christophe, Tempel Sébastien, Poligny Laurent, and Tahi Fariza
    , Nucleic Acids Res, 2016 Jul 8, Volume 44, Issue W1, p.W181-4, (2016)