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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59



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Whole-genome sequencing of cancers has begun to identify thousands of somatic mutations that distinguish the genomes of normal tissues from cancers. While many germline mutations within microRNAs (miRNAs) and their targets have been shown to alter miRNA function in cancers and have been associated with cancer risk, the impact of somatic mutations on miRNA function has received relatively little attention. Here, we have created the SomamiR database ( to provide a comprehensive resource that integrates several types of data for use in investigating the impact of somatic and germline mutations on miRNA function in cancer. The database contains somatic mutations that may create or disrupt miRNA target sites and integrates these somatic mutations with germline mutations within the same target sites, genome-wide and candidate gene association studies of cancer and functional annotations that link genes containing mutations with cancer. Additionally, the database contains a collection of germline and somatic mutations in miRNAs and their targets that have been experimentally shown to impact miRNA function and have been associated with cancer.[1]

SomamiR 2.0 ( is a database of cancer somatic mutations in microRNAs (miRNA) and their target sites that potentially alter the interactions between miRNAs and competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNA) including mRNAs, circular RNAs (circRNA) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNA). Here, we describe the recent major updates to the SomamiR database. We expanded the scope of the database by including somatic mutations that impact the interactions between miRNAs and two classes of non-coding RNAs, circRNAs and lncRNAs. Recently, a large number of miRNA target sites have been discovered by newly emerged high-throughput technologies for mapping the miRNA interactome. We have mapped 388 247 somatic mutations to the experimentally identified miRNA target sites. The updated database also includes a list of somatic mutations in the miRNA seed regions, which contain the most important guiding information for miRNA target recognition. A recently developed webserver, miR2GO, was integrated with the database to provide a seamless pipeline for assessing functional impacts of somatic mutations in miRNA seed regions. Data and functions from multiple sources including biological pathways and genome-wide association studies were updated and integrated with SomamiR 2.0 to make it a better platform for functional analysis of somatic mutations altering miRNA-ceRNA interactions.[2]


  1. SomamiR: a database for somatic mutations impacting microRNA function in cancer.,
    Bhattacharya, Anindya, Ziebarth Jesse D., and Cui Yan
    , Nucleic Acids Res, 2013 Jan, Volume 41, Issue Database issue, p.D977-82, (2013)
  2. SomamiR 2.0: a database of cancer somatic mutations altering microRNA-ceRNA interactions.,
    Bhattacharya, Anindya, and Cui Yan
    , Nucleic Acids Res, 2016 Jan 4, Volume 44, Issue D1, p.D1005-10, (2016)