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Submitted by ChenLiang on Fri, 09/02/2016 - 21:59


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We have developed a program SOAP for efficient gapped and ungapped alignment of short oligonucleotides onto reference sequences. The program is designed to handle the huge amounts of short reads generated by parallel sequencing using the new generation Illumina-Solexa sequencing technology. SOAP is compatible with numerous applications, including single-read or pair-end resequencing, small RNA discovery and mRNA tag sequence mapping. SOAP is a command-driven program, which supports multi-threaded parallel computing, and has a batch module for multiple query sets.[1]

SOAP2 is a significantly improved version of the short oligonucleotide alignment program that both reduces computer memory usage and increases alignment speed at an unprecedented rate. We used a Burrows Wheeler Transformation (BWT) compression index to substitute the seed strategy for indexing the reference sequence in the main memory. We tested it on the whole human genome and found that this new algorithm reduced memory usage from 14.7 to 5.4 GB and improved alignment speed by 20-30 times. SOAP2 is compatible with both single- and paired-end reads. Additionally, this tool now supports multiple text and compressed file formats. A consensus builder has also been developed for consensus assembly and SNP detection from alignment of short reads on a reference genome.[2]


  1. SOAP: short oligonucleotide alignment program.,
    Li, Ruiqiang, Li Yingrui, Kristiansen Karsten, and Wang Jun
    , Bioinformatics, 2008 Mar 1, Volume 24, Issue 5, p.713-4, (2008)
  2. SOAP2: an improved ultrafast tool for short read alignment.,
    Li, Ruiqiang, Yu Chang, Li Yingrui, Lam Tak-Wah, Yiu Siu-Ming, Kristiansen Karsten, and Wang Jun
    , Bioinformatics, 2009 Aug 1, Volume 25, Issue 15, p.1966-7, (2009)