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Meta-analysis using a novel database, miRStress, reveals miRNAs that are frequently associated with the radiation and hypoxia stress-responses.

TitleMeta-analysis using a novel database, miRStress, reveals miRNAs that are frequently associated with the radiation and hypoxia stress-responses.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsJacobs LAnn, Bewicke-Copley F, Poolman MGraham, Pink RCharles, Mulcahy LAnn, Baker I, Beaman E-M, Brooks T, Caley DPaul, Cowling W, Currie JMichael St, Horsburgh J, Kenehan L, Keyes E, Leite D, Massa D, McDermott-Rouse A, Samuel P, Wood H, Kadhim M, Carter DRaul Franc
PubMed ID24244721
PubMed Central IDPMC3828287